
A list of available Duda Webhook Events.


All webhooks related to site events are listed below.


A notification is sent when a site is published. A publish can be triggered inside the Duda editor or via the publish API endpoint. Event type: PUBLISH

  "data": {
    "republish": false,
    "first_publish": true
  "resource_data": {
    "site_name": "sw1d3f9f18eb4c82a472402505a731a1",
    "external_id": "my-external-id"
  "source": {
    "type": "EDITOR",
    "account_name": ""
  "event_type": "PUBLISH",
  "event_timestamp": 1532467846492,
  "resource_type": "site"
data.republishbooleanBoolean stating if this was a republish of an already published site
data.first_publishbooleanBoolean stating if this was the first publish of a site
source.typestringThe location of the source for the publish event. Possible values are EDITOR or API
source.account_namestringIf a publish was triggered through the editor, then this contains the account who initiated the publish
resource_typestringAlways set to site for the publish event


If a site is published after it was unpublished, then both republish and first_publish are false


A notification is sent when a site is unpublished. An unpubilsh can be triggered inside the Duda editor or via the unpublish API endpoint. Event type: UNPUBLISH

  "data": 1532482228987,
  "resource_data": {
    "site_name": "sw1d3f9f18eb4c82a472402505a731a1",
    "external_id": "my-external-id"
  "source": {
    "type": "EDITOR",
    "account_name": ""
  "event_type": "UNPUBLISH",
  "event_timestamp": 1532471227566,
source.typestringThe location of the source for the unpublish event. Possible values are EDITOR or API
source.account_namestringIf an unpublish was triggered through the editor, then this contains the account who initiated the unpublish

Form Submission

A notification is sent when a new form submissions takes place on a site. Event type: CONTACT_FORM_SENT_V2

 "data": {
   "utm_campaign": "MY_CAMPAIGN",
   "utm_source": "MY_SOURCE",
   "utm_medium": "MY_MEDIUM",
   "utm_term": "MY_TERM",
   "utm_content": "MY_CONTENT",
   "additionalParams": {
       "utm_<custom>": "custom",
       "utm_<custom>": "custom 2"
   "fieldsData": [
       "field_label": "Name",
       "field_value": "sdfsdf",
       "field_type": "text",
       "field_key": "",
       "field_id": "dmform-00"
       "field_label": "Message",
       "field_value": "sdfsdf",
       "field_type": "message",
       "field_key": "",
       "field_id": "dmform-01"
       "field_label": "Title",
       "field_value": "Contact Us",
       "field_type": "form_title",
       "field_key": "",
       "field_id": null
   "recipients": [
    "emailSubject": "Subject set in form widget",
    "emailSender": "Sender set in form widget",
    "pageName": "Page Name"
 "source": null,
 "resource_data": {
   "site_name": "974d714008f440529ea58094ccf9a97c",
   "external_id": "my-ext-id"
 "event_timestamp": 1569338502786,
 "event_type": "CONTACT_FORM_SENT_V2" 
data.utm_campaignstringValue of the utm_campaign query parameter when the form was submitted
data.utm_sourcestringValue of the utm_source query parameter when the form was submitted
data.utm_mediumstringValue of the utm_medium query parameter when the form was submitted
data.utm_termstringValue of the utm_term query parameter when the form was submitted
data.utm_contentstringValue of the utm_content query parameter when the form was submitted
data.additionalParamsobjectObject containing any additional query params not listed above that begin with utm_. Query parameters that don't match this pattern will not be included.
data.fieldsDataarrayArray of all fields from the submitted form
data.recipientsarrayArray of emails designated as recipient of form data
data.emailSubjectstringSubject set in form widget
data.emailSenderstringSender set in form widget
data.pageNamestringPage name of page on which the form was placed

Site Creation

A notification is sent when a site is created. A site creation can be triggered inside the Duda editor or via the API. Event type: SITE_CREATED

    "resource_data": {
       "site_name": "dfdd3f9f18eb4c82a472402505a731a1",
       "external_id": "my-external-id"
    "source": {
       "type": "EDITOR",  
       "account_name": ""
       "event_type": "SITE_CREATED",
       "event_timestamp": 1532467846492,
       "resource_type": "site"
source.typestringThe location of the source for the unpublish event. Possible values are EDITOR or API
source.account_namestringThis contains the account who initiated the site creation.
resource_typeAlways set to site for the site creation event

Domain Update

A notification is sent when the domain of a site is updated. A domain change can be triggered inside the Duda editor or via the update site API endpoint. Event type: DOMAIN_UPDATED

  "data": {
    "domain": null,
    "sub_domain": "",
    "alternate_domains": []
  "resource_data": {
    "site_name": "sw1d3f9f18eb4c82a472402505a731a1",
    "external_id": "my-external-id"
  "source": {
    "type": "EDITOR",
    "account_name": ""
  "event_type": "DOMAIN_UPDATED",
  "event_timestamp": 1532471131957,
  "resource_type": "site"
data.domainstringThe current domain for the site. The value can be null
data.sub_domainstringThe current subdomain (default domain) for the site.
data.alternate_domainsarrayList of optional alternate domains defined for this site
source.typestringThe location of the source for the publish event. Possible values are EDITOR or API
source.account_namestringIf a publish was triggered through the editor, then this contains the account who initiated the publish
resource_typestringAlways set to site for the domain update event

Certificate Created

A notification is sent when the SSL certificate for a site is generated. The same created event will also fire when the status is updated to COMPLETE. Event type: CERTIFICATE_CREATED


Certificate Regeneration

A webhook event is not triggered when the certificate is generated. Duda will renew/regenerate a new certificate every 3 months, but no event will be triggered when this occurs.

  "data": {
    id: "12345abc",
    domains: ["",""],
    deployment_status: "DEPLOYED",
    created: 1532467846492
  "resource_data": {
    "site_name": "8a8eda"
  "event_type": "CERTIFICATE_CREATED",
  "event_timestamp": 1683201225981

data.idstringThe id of the certificate generated.
data.domainsarrayList of domains assigned to the generated certificate. This should include alternate domains and the www value, as well.
data.deployment_statusstringStatus of the generated certificate. Can be: PENDING, DEPLOYED, or FAILED.

Certificate Deleted

A notification is sent when the SSL certificate for a site is deleted. Event type: CERTIFICATE_DELETED

  "data": {
    id: "12345abc",
    domains: ["",""],
    created: 1532467846492,
  "resource_data": {
    "site_name": "8a8eda"
  "event_type": "CERTIFICATE_DELETED",
  "event_timestamp": 1683201225981
data.idstringThe id of the certificate deleted.
data.domainsarrayList of domains associated with the deleted certificate.

Site Plan Changed

A notification is sent when the plan ID of a site has been changed. Event type: SITE_PLAN_CHANGED

  "data": {
  "source": {
  "resource_data": {

data.newPlanIdintThe ID of the new Plan assigned to the site.
data.siteAliasstringDuda's unique identifier for the Site.
data.previousPlanIdintThe ID of the plan the site was previously assigned to.
source.typestringThe location of the source for the plan changed event. Possible values are EDITOR or API
source.account_namestringThis contains the account who initiated the plan change.

Backup Restored

A notification is sent when a backup is restored for a site. Event type: SITE_RESTORED

  "data": 1686862504428,
  "source": {
    "type": "EDITOR",
    "account_name": ""
  "resource_data": {
    "site_name": "2dbf8579"
  "event_timestamp": 1686862504455,
  "event_type": "SITE_RESTORED"
datatimestampThe date the back up was restored in Unix format
source.typestringThe location of the source for the backup restored event. Possible values are EDITOR or API
source.account_namestringThis contains the account who initiated the backup restore.

Site Reset

A notification is sent when a site is reset. Event type: SITE_RESET

  "data": {
    "old_template_id": 1000056,
    "new_template_id": 1000041
  "source": {
    "type": "API"
  "resource_data": {
    "site_name": "474b4e63"
  "event_timestamp": 1732225203882,
  "event_type": "SITE_RESET"
data.old_template_idstringThe id of the template the site was originally using
data.new_template_idstringThe id of the template the site is now using
resource_date.site_namestringThe site id of the site.

Switch Template

A notification is sent when a site's template is switched. Event type: SITE_TEMPLATE_SWITCHED

  "data": {
    "old_template_id": 1000056,
    "new_template_id": 1000041
  "source": {
    "type": "API"
  "resource_data": {
    "site_name": "474b4e63"
  "event_timestamp": 1732225345577,
  "event_type": "SITE_TEMPLATE_SWITCHED"
data.old_template_idstringThe id of the template the site was originally using
data.new_template_idstringThe id of the template the site is now using
resource_data.site_namestringThe site id of the site.