Getting Started Tutorial

This step-by-step tutorial is designed to get you started with core concepts of the Duda App Store. You'll learn how to access the App Store API, configuring the app manifest, and manage the lifecycle of your app.

After completing the steps in this guide you'll be able to:

  • Handle lifecycle events (install, uninstall, upgrade, downgrade).
  • Authenticate users into your service via Single Sign-On.
  • Perform API calls against the sites on which your App is installed.


To follow along you'll need:

If you don't have these, please contact

1. Get the App Manifest

We'll start by getting the full app manifest for your application. The App Manifest contains all of your application configuration options within Duda.

Use this API call to get the details of your app from the Duda App Store:

curl -X GET{{appUuid}} -u 'APIUser:APIPass' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'


Basic Authentication

All API calls to the Duda App Store require the Authentication header to be present. This authenticates that you are the owner of the app in question. Most other API calls also require a resource token to access APIs for a specific site.

The response will include your app manifest details in the following format:

    "uuid": "2257f749-03a7-45c2-9e8a-ae5f5e6e072c",
    "webhooks": {
        "endpoint": "",
        "events": [
    "scopes": [
    "public_key": "KEY-XXXX",
    "installation_endpoint": "",
    "uninstallation_endpoint": "",
    "updowngrade_installation_endpoint": "",
    "base_sso_url": "",
    "supported_locales": [
    "app_profile": {
        "en": {
            "app_name": "Display name",
            "app_logo": "",
            "app_short_description": "A short description goes here.",
            "app_long_description": "This app can do this a that",
            "public_page": "",
            "terms_of_service_page": "",
            "privacy_note_page": "",
            "app_screenshots": [
                    "image_url": "",
                    "alt_text": "Description of image above"
                    "image_url": "",
                    "alt_text": "Description of image above"
    "wl_app_profile": {
        "en": {
            "app_name": "White Labeled display name",
            "app_logo": "",
            "app_short_description": "A short description goes here.",
            "app_long_description": "This app can do this a that",
            "app_screenshots": [
                    "image_url": "",
                    "alt_text": "Description of image above"
                    "image_url": "",
                    "alt_text": "Description of image above"
    "app_plans": [
            "plan_uuid": "332653a3-df51-45ce-a873-fbb0b1ccb49f",
            "is_free": false,
            "is_hidden": false,
            "plan_grade": 0,
            "plan_profiles": {
                "en": {
                    "plan_name": "First",
                    "plan_subtitle": "Start...",
                    "plan_features": [
                        "My first feature",
                        "<strong>My best feature</strong>",
                        "another feature"
            "plan_uuid": "bd50e369-e7d4-4246-83d4-e190038e7f07",
            "is_free": false,
            "is_hidden": false,
            "plan_grade": 1,
            "plan_profiles": {
                "en": {
                    "plan_name": "Second",
                    "plan_subtitle": "...Finish",
                    "plan_features": [
                        "My first feature",
                        "<strong>My best feature</strong>",
                        "another feature"

2. Update the App Manifest

Use an API call to update your app manifest with the relevant information pointing to your development environment.

installation_endpointThe endpoint that Duda sends installation details to whenever a user installs your app.
uninstallation_endpointThe endpoint that Duda sends uninstallation details to whenever a user uninstalls your app.
updowngrade_installation_endpointThe endpoint that Duda sends upgrade or downgrade details to whenever a user updates their plan details for your app.
base_sso_urlThe URL that Duda opens whenever a user decides to open your app. This is also the URL Duda opens after a successful installation.
webhook_endpointThe endpoint that Duda sends webhooks to whenever one is triggered.

For this tutorial, you can use these endpoints:

  1. Set the endpoints to a webhook testing tool that always returns a 200 HTTP status code and makes sure you can access its details. There are many free tools online such as or that can receive requests from Duda.
  2. Set the base_sso_url to a URL that can be open inside of an iframe, such as: (or a URL into your application).
curl -X POST{{appUuid}} -u 'AppAccountUser:AppAccountPass' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{{YOUR UPDATED MANIFEST JSON}}'


API Behavior

  1. Sending a POST update that changes immutable properties (i.e. app_uuid) will return a 400 error.
  2. Calls to update your app manifest should include all properties of the manifest. Think of this action as a pure PUT request.


URL Policies

  1. All URLs must use the HTTPS protocol.
  2. In order to comply with Duda’s white Llbel policy, paths should not include the string ‘Duda’. You can use 'websitebuilder' instead.

3. Install your App

  1. Log in to the Sandbox Environment.
  2. Click Create a Responsive Site.
  3. Select a template, give your site a name, and click create.
  4. Click App Store in the side panel.
  5. Find your app and click Add.
  6. Select a plan.


Don't see your app or plans?

The app store only displays apps with valid manifests. Please check that all fields in your manifest are valid and assigned a value.

If the endpoint on installation_endpoint returned HTTP status code 200, Duda will finish the installation and direct the user to an iframe with the source specified on base_sso_url.

Duda will send an installation callback to your installation endpoint in the following format:

    "auth": {
        "type": "bearer",
        "authorization_code": "XXX-XXXXX-XXXXX",
        "refresh_token": "YYY-YYYYY-YYYYY",
        "expiration_date": 1554254560438
    "api_endpoint": "",
    "installer_account_uuid": "10",
    "account_owner_uuid": "12",
    "user_lang": "en",
    "app_plan_uuid": "332653a3-df51-45ce-a873-fbb0b1ccb49f",
    "recurrency": "MONTHLY",
    "site_name": "1501ccca016a4220861ef07fe2c8eb0d",
    "free": true
api_endpointThe API endpoint for the specific site. This will change depending on which instance (US, EU, etc.) the site was created on.

This should be relied on when making API calls against a site and not a static API endpoint (i.e.,
installer_account_uuidDuda's unique identifier of the installer.
account_owner_uuidDuda's unique identifier of the account owner of the target site.
user_langThe language of the installer.
app_plan_uuidThe unique identifier of the plan that the user chose when installing your app.
recurrencyThe frequency of the plan (MONTHLY, ANNUAL, or NULL for free plans).
site_nameThe unique identifier of the site and the installation.
freeDenotes whether or not a given installation is a test and should not be seen as a real event.

You must store this in your database. It's important to have when reconciling reports that Duda will send.
auth.typeThe authentication type. Currently, Duda only supportsBearer authentication.
auth.authorization_codeThe access token to call APIs for the specified site_name.
auth.refresh_tokenThe refresh token to request another authorization_code to replace an expired one.
auth.expiration_dateThe expiration date (in milliseconds) for the authorization_code.

4. Get Site Details

Once Duda starts the installation process, your app can use REST APIs to get data about the site and perform other actions. You can use API calls during the installation phase before you return Duda an HTTP response for the installation callback. Duda will present the user with the progress bar until you return an HTTP response.
The APIs your app can use are restricted by the scopes property of your app manifest. See further details on available scopes.


Bearer Authentication

All site APIs require token authentication in addition to the Account Basic Authentication.
Use the X-DUDA-ACCESS-TOKEN header to send the token.

5. (Optional) Get Account Branding

Use the following call to get the branding of the reseller. This API is available for all apps. Replace the XXX-XXXXX-XXXXX in the token you got in the installation callback under authorization_code:

curl -X GET{{site name}}/branding -u 'AppAccountUser:AppAccountPass' -H 'X-DUDA-ACCESS-TOKEN: Bearer XXX-XXXXX-XXXXX' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

You should expect a response in the following format:

    "logo": "",
    "color": {
        "links": "#8c8c8c",
        "button_background": "#e218c6",
        "button_text": "#fdb33e",
        "text_on_light": "#fdb33e",
        "text_on_dark": "#fdb33e",
        "header_background": "#2c3e50",
        "preview_background": "#d4e4f5"
    "preview_background_image": "none",
    "dashboard_domain": ""

6. (Optional) Get Reseller Details

Use the following call to get the reseller details (app scope GET_ACCOUNT_DETAILS is required):

curl -X GET{{site name}}/account/details -u 'AppAccountUser:AppAccountPass' -H 'X-DUDA-ACCESS-TOKEN: Bearer XXX-XXXXX-XXXXX' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

You should expect a response of the following format:

    "uuid": "10",
    "first_name": "name",
    "last_name": "name",
    "email": ""

7. (Optional) Get Content Library

Use the following call to get the site's Content Library:

curl -X GET{{site name}}/content -u 'AppAccountUser:AppAccountPass' -H 'X-DUDA-ACCESS-TOKEN: Bearer XXX-XXXXX-XXXXX' -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

For a full reference of the content library data structure, see Duda's API documentation.


Validity of Content Library data

The Content Library is a repository used by web pros for storing assets that they use during the site building process.
The data in the Content Library is not verified. In particular, emails, phone numbers, and addresses are not verified.

8. (Optional) Refresh authorization_code

Every 12 hours the authentication token is invalidated. To receive the new token you need to send the following request with the refresh token you received when installing the app:

curl -X POST{{appUuid}}/token/refresh -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{"refreshToken": "YYY-YYYYY-YYYYY"}'

You should expect a response in the following format:

    "type": "bearer",
    "authorization_code": "XXX-XXXXX-XXXXX",
    "refresh_token": "YYY-YYYYY-YYYYY",
    "expiration_date": 1555550616864

For further reading on Authentication & Token Management


Complete REST API documentation

For all available APIs, see the complete [REST API documentation] for the app store.

9. Upgrade the App

To upgrade your app plan, open the app store and click upgrade on your app card.
Select the new plan you want to upgrade to.

Duda will send a callback event with a payload with the following format to the endpoint registered under updowngrade_installation_endpoint in your manifest:

    "app_plan_uuid": "332653a3-df51-45ce-a873-fbb0b1ccb49f",
    "recurrency": "MONTHLY",
    "site_name": "1501ccca016a4220861ef07fe2c8eb0d"

Once received, update your app behavior to the new feature plan. The Duda UI will wait until the app responds to the callback in order to finish the upgrade process.

10. Open the App

Duda will render an iframe to the URL specified in the manifest under base_sso_url. The URL will be in the following format:{{site name}}&timestamp={{time stamp}}&lang={{use langauge code}}&is_white_label={{true/false}}&iframeSDKSrc={{SDK URL}}&current_user_uuid={{user uuid}}&secure_sig=SIGNATURE

11. Uninstall the App

To uninstall your app, open the app store, click on your app card, then click remove app.

Duda will send a callback event with a payload with the following format to the endpoint registered under uninstallation_endpoint in your manifest:

  "site_name": "1501ccca016a4220861ef07fe2c8eb0d",
  "free": false

Once received, acknowledge the uninstall. The Duda UI will wait until the app responds to the callback in order to finish the upgrade process.


Data Retention

Duda expects apps to retain data and configuration of each removed installation for 60 days. During this period, if the app is installed again the data and configuration should be recovered.