Live Site JS Reference
Run code once a page has been fully loaded. By default, Duda websites use AJAX/Animated navigation to change pages. This means that there is no DOM ready event when a user browses to a new page of the website. Using this lets you know once the user has either loaded the page fully for the first time or browses to a new page of the website.
//listen to page load or change and run some code
//execute some code here
Argument | Required | Description |
Namespace | No | Pass a unique name that won't collide with other runOnReady function calls |
Callback | No | Pass a callback function to execute |
The best way to load external scripts is through the Duda loadScript function. Using this ensures that the script is loaded asynchronously and the page is ready to handle the script. The script is automatically executed once it's finished. Duda calls the callback function, so any operations you want to take after it is loaded.
dmAPI.loadScript('[email protected]', function() {
// run init code after library loads
var typed = new Typed('.element', {
strings: ["First sentence.", "Second sentence."],
typeSpeed: 30
Argument | Required | Description |
url | Yes | A string containing the URL where the JS file lives |
Callback | No | Pass a callback function to execute after the script has successfully loaded |
Run code once right before a page change is started. Duda uses AJAX to handle page changes on published sites. This method allows you to listen for a page change.
//listen to page change
//execute some code here
Argument | Required | Description |
Namespace | No | Pass a unique name that won't collide with other runBeforeAjaxNavigation function calls |
Callback | No | Pass a callback function to execute |
Get the unique name of the Duda website this code is loading on. This is a unique string that represents a single Duda website. This is usually an 8 or 32 character string.
const siteName = dmAPI.getSiteName();
Get the External reference identifier for this website. This is set when the website was created via the API or updated. It is usually an external identifier passed to Duda for integration purposes.
const externalId = dmAPI.getSiteExternalId();
Get the Duda plan id for the current site.
const planId = dmAPI.getSitePlanID();
Get the current device type. This function returns desktop
, tablet
or mobile
. The device type detection is done on the server-side via the User-Agent. This always returns the same device type that was detected on the server-side.
const device = dmAPI.getCurrentDeviceType();
Deprecated method
Note, this API is deprecated and will be removed in the near future to improve performance. Use
to retrieve data on a site's pages in a more performant manner.
Returns an array of objects that contains details about the pages of the website. For each page within the website, the following details will be returned.
Name | Type | Description |
title | String | The name of the page, as it appears in the navigation list |
alias | String | The internal name of the page. This is unique across the website. It also correlates with the page name in the path |
path | String | The relative path to the page |
inNavigation | Boolean | If the page is visible to the user. This correlates to the hide page feature in the page settings. Note that this value is respective to the device, so it can be false on desktop and true on mobile |
subNav | Array | An array of nested pages following the same structure. A Duda website can have up to two layers of sub nav. (For a total of 3 layers deep) |
// DEPRECATED - Use getNavItemsAsync
// Assign to nav variable
const navLinks = dmAPI.getNavItems();
// loop through each nav item and print to console
navLinks.forEach(function(e) {
// outputs:
// {title: "HOME", alias: "home", path: "/", inNavigation: false, subNav: Array(0)}
// {title: "SERVICES", alias: "services", path: "/services", inNavigation: true, subNav: Array(3)}
// {title: "TEAM", alias: "team", path: "/team", inNavigation: true, subNav: Array(0)}
// {title: "PRODUCTS", alias: "products", path: "/products", inNavigation: true, subNav: Array(0)}
// {title: "GALLERY", alias: "gallery", path: "/gallery", inNavigation: true, subNav: Array(0)}
// {title: "CONTACT", alias: "contact", path: "/contact", inNavigation: true, subNav: Array(0)}
This method returns a promise and once resolved, returns an array of objects that contains details about the pages of the website. For each page within the website, the following details will be returned.
Name | Type | Description |
title | String | The name of the page, as it appears in the navigation list |
alias | String | The internal name of the page. This is unique across the website. It also correlates with the page name in the path |
uuid | String | The internal unique identifier of a specific page. This value is used to update or delete a page using the pages REST API endpoints. |
path | String | The relative path to the page |
visible | Boolean | If the page is visible to the user. This correlates to the hide page feature in the page settings. Note that this value is respective to the device, so it can be false on desktop and true on mobile |
subNav | Array | An array of nested pages following the same structure. A Duda website can have up to two layers of sub nav. (For a total of 3 layers deep) |
// Assign to nav variable
const navLinks = dmAPI.getNavItemsAsync();
// Resolve promise and print to console
navLinks.then((value) => {
// outputs:
// {title: "HOME", alias: "home", path: "/", inNavigation: false, subNav: Array(0)}
// {title: "SERVICES", alias: "services", path: "/services", inNavigation: true, subNav: Array(3)}
// {title: "TEAM", alias: "team", path: "/team", inNavigation: true, subNav: Array(0)}
// {title: "PRODUCTS", alias: "products", path: "/products", inNavigation: true, subNav: Array(0)}
// {title: "GALLERY", alias: "gallery", path: "/gallery", inNavigation: true, subNav: Array(0)}
// {title: "CONTACT", alias: "contact", path: "/contact", inNavigation: true, subNav: Array(0)}
Get data for a given collection on the website. The collection must already exist and the website must be published with it.
Deprecated method
Note, this API is deprecated and we recommend relying on the Collections API.
dmAPI.getCollection({collectionName: 'employees'}).then(
// returns an array of objects from the employees collection.
// an empty array is returned if an invalid collection is passed
Use Duda's built in map tool to create a map element. This uses Duda's Integration with Mapbox to draw a map with a pinned location. When you call the drawMap
function, you pass a selector. Duda replaces all the inner contents of that element with the map. You also need to pass the latitude and longitude coordinates or an address string.
// passing address
container: '.selector' ,
addressQuery: '577 College Ave., Palo Alto, CA'
// passing latitude + longitude coordinates
container: '.selector' ,
lat: 37.4252935,
lng: -122.1504151
Returns a URL to a resized image based on user device or an optional width argument. The original image must be stored in Duda. If the image format is not recognized, the method returna the original URL. This can be used in conjunction with a custom widget to display appropriately sized images.
// return a 500px wide image
dmAPI.getOptimizedImageURL('<IMAGE_URL>', 500);
// return a resized image based on user device
// Mobile: 640px, Tablet: 1280px, Desktop: 1920px
// usage within a custom widget
// data and element variables are
// provided by the widget builder
data.config.list.forEach(item => {
var imgsrc = dmAPI.getResizedImageURL(item.image);
var elem = document.createElement("img");
elem.setAttribute("src", imgsrc);
Using the standard device sizes results in a slight performance boost. Specifying a specific width results in images being resized at request time, while the standard sizes are created and saved when the image is added via the API or editor.
Subscribe to specific conversion focused events that happen within the website. This allows you to execute a callback function when a conversion event happens. This API is usually combined with custom analytics or tracking solutions that are placed within Duda websites.
Some events pass data into the callback function for you to take further action on.
//subscribe to form submit event
dmAPI.subscribeEvent(dmAPI.EVENTS.FORM_SUBMISSION, function(data) {
console.log("Form data is: " + data);
Argument | Required | Description |
Event Name | Yes | Event name (ex. dmAPI.EVENTS.MAP_BUTTON_CLICK ) |
Callback | No | Pass a callback function to execute |
Description of events:
Event | Data provided to Callback | Description |
CLICK_TO_CALL | (none) | Click to call button is clicked |
COUPON_CLICK | (none) | When a coupon is clicked or viewed on the website |
ECOMM_CART_CREATED | CartEvent: event type and cart object | When a new cart is created |
ECOMM_CART_UPDATED | CartEvent: event type and cart object | When a cart is updated |
EMAIL_BUTTON_CLICK | (none) | Click to email button is clicked |
FORM_SUBMISSION | Object with form data in key-value form | When a Duda contact form is submitted on the website |
MAP_BUTTON_CLICK | (none) | Click to map button is clicked |
NOTIFICATION_LINK_CLICK | (none) | When a link within the notification bar is clicked |
NOTIFICATION_LINK_CLOSE | (none) | When a notification bar is closed (ex. the "x" is clicked) |
OPENTABLE_CLICK | (none) | Click to reserve button is clicked |
PERSONALIZATION_RULE_IMPRESSION | Personalization rule: {ruleId, ruleType} | When a personalization rule is successfully loaded on a page |
PERSONALIZATION_RULE_LINK_CLICK | (none) | Only runs for links clicked within the 'new row' personalization rule |
SHARE_CLICK | (none) | Click to share button is clicked |
SHOW_POPUP | (none) | When a pop-up is displayed on a website. Either from a personalization rule or button click |
SOCIAL_LINK | (none) | After an icon within the social icons widget is clicked |
STORE_ORDER | (none) | Once a successful purchase happens within an eCommerce store |
VIDEO_PLAY | (none) | After a video is clicked and starts to play. Works with video uploads, youtube, vimeo and dailymotion. |
(none) | After WhatsApp click is done. |
Subscribe to all the possible site events that can happen. Note that not all events are 'conversion' events, so make sure you only track the events you specifically want to. You can see all the available events above.
//subscribe to all events
dmAPI.subscribeToAllEvents(function(eventName, data) {
console.log('Event: ' + eventName + ' was called');
Load the collections API to query the data in your collections programmatically. This API has filtering, pagination, and sorting options.
//load the collections API
dmAPI.loadCollectionsAPI().then(api => {"my-collection")
.where("field-name", "eq", "some-value")
.then(json => console.log(json))
Load the content library API to query data programatically.
//load the Content Library API
dmAPI.loadContentLibrary().then(json =>{
Get the current context of where the page is loaded from. Will return a string with three possibilities:
: This is the live published website.editor
: The website is currently loaded within the editor environment.preview
: The site is being previewed, before being published, but outside of the editor. This is the exact same version of the website as the editor, and, is often treated the same as the editor.
This allows you to customize the experience of your custom code. For example, you might want to not run some analytics javascript inside of the editor, but only on the live website.
const env = dmAPI.getCurrentEnvironment()
if(env === 'live') {
// run code on the a live website only
console.log('the site is live!')
Get the identity of the currently logged-in member.
If the user is not authenticated as a member API will return a status 401.
dmAPI.getLoggedInMember().then(result => {
//do something with member data
Updated 6 months ago