Duda Instant Site Demo

The Duda instant site demo environment is a cloud-hosted web app demonstrating different instant site implementations and use- cases. It has a create-react-app frontend built with material-ui which is hosted on S3, backed by Cloudfront. An authenticated Lambda-based interface to Duda's APIs is also provided. Feel free to clone the repo and test it out yourself.


Before getting started with this demo environment, you'll need:

  • Access to a production Duda account.
  • AWS command line tools installed & configured
  • jq, a handy command line tool for parsing JSON

Getting Started

First start by cloning the repository:

git clone [email protected]:DudaDev/duda-instant-site-demo.git

Next, change into the directory and configure your environment:

cd duda-instant-site-demo

The configure script asks you for your API credentials and to create a user name. The user name is used to log into the demo environment after it has deployed.

We need to set up your environment variables (./app/.env):

Enter your Duda API Username: n4hjs42ns
Enter your Duda API Password: fjs124r2  

Now let's create an account to access the demo environment:

Enter a username: admin
Your temporary password is: V2VkIDE0IEFwciAyMDIxIDEyOjAwOjAxIFBNIE1EVAo=

Save your temporary password and press enter to continue.

Demo environment configured. Try ./build

Now that you are all configured, run ./build and then ./deploy. The deploy script prints the URL of the demo environment when it's finished.

Useful commands

  • ./configure check dependencies and set up environment variables
  • ./build compile infrastructure typescript and print cdk diff
  • ./deploy deploy infrastructure and react app to aws