Handlebars & HTML

All custom widgets will load within a <div>, with a unique class assigned. This class remains static and can be referenced for all instances of the widget in Javascript or CSS.

For the content users enter into the content editor, you can output these values within the HTML using handlebars. The HTML content is rendered on the server and delivered down to the client in fully standard HTML.

Duda has several custom helpers that relate back to specific functionality in the platform. This ensures that you follow Duda's common practices and allows you to take advantage of native features more easily.

Simple Expressions

The value defined in the content library can be used directly within the widget's HTML. Within the HTML, curly brackets surround the variable that you will want to output into your HTML. For example, if you had a text input called headerText, then the code below would print the text input.

<div class="ex">{{headerText}}</div>
Input TypeAdditional Details
DropdownA String of the selected value.
IconString containing raw SVG markup.
Large TextRequires the "triple-stash" {{{ to avoid HTML escaping.
ImageString is an absolute URL of the image
DateString formatted in standard universal full date-time pattern in the UTC timezone.
Radio ButtonsA String of the selected value.
SliderA String of the selected value.

If statement

If statement checks if the value exists or is set to true. It will evaluate to false if it's an empty string, is false, or null. The if helper can only test for properties to be true or false – not arbitrary expressions. This is usually combined with a Checkbox or Toggle input.

{{#if checkbox}}
	<p>Checkbox is selected / true</p>
	<p>Checkbox is not selected / false</p>
Input TypeAdditional Details


You can also use the unless handlebars helper, which is the inverse of if. This checks if the value is false.

{{#unless toggle1}}
	<p>Toggle is disabled</p>
	<p>Toggle is enabled</p>


You can use equals to define if a specific input equals a string.

{{#equals dropDown "value1"}}
	<p>DropDown equals value1</p>
	<p>Dropdown does not equal value1</p>
Input TypeAdditional Details
DropdownA String of the selected value.
IconString containing raw SVG markup.
ImageString is an absolute URL of the image
DateString formatted in standard universal full date-time pattern in the UTC timezone.
Radio ButtonsA String of the selected value.
SliderA String of the selected value.

Not Equals

You can use not equals to define if a specific input does not equal a string.

{{#notEquals dropDown "value1"}}
	<p>DropDown does not equal value1</p>


Evaluate an input to check if it has a specific value. If they do, you can rewrite it to be a different value. This is great to use if you have a dropdown with many different options. It works by decoding an input, then checking if it equals a specific string. If it does, you can have it output a different string.

{{#decode dropDown 
	"dropDownValue1" "Output this if value is dropDownValue1" 
	"dropDownValue2" "Output this if value is dropDownValue2"	"Default output" }}

For example, if you had a dropdown named color with three entries (Red, Blue and Green), then you can use decode to get the output like this:

{{#decode color 
	"Red" "My Favorite Color Is Red" 
	"Blue" "My Favorite Color Is Blue" 
	"Green" "My Favorite Color Is Green" "Default output" }}


Each allows you to loop through a list or array of items. This is always linked with the List input inside of Widget Builder. While looping through, you will have access to each inner item inside of the list.

{{#each list1}}

Inside of an each loop, you are able to access three data variables to aid in the logic and visual output of your widget. @index will display the current iteration of the loop, while the @first and @last variables are booleans compatible with the {{#if}} logic tag. The @index variable is zero-based, meaning its value will be zero on the first iteration of your loop, and increase by one for each subsequent iteration.

{{#each list1}}
    {{#if @first}}First Item!{{/if}}
    {{@index}} {{listInnerText}}
    {{#if @last}}Last Item!{{/if}}


The @index, @first and @last data variables are only available inside of an each loop.


Links must be handled in a specific way within Duda websites. Duda allows users to choose only valid pages, popups, eCommerce, etc. Due to this, Duda controls the entire output of the anchor markup to automatically format it to perform the correct action when clicked. To use the input of a link, you must use the custom_link helper.

{{#custom_link linkVariableName}}
	<span>Anchor Text or {{linkText}}</span>

This will output as standard anchor markup:

<a href=”/about” relevant_attribute=”value”>
	<span>Anchor Text or About Page</span>


Using Connected Data

Links does not support connected data. Using custom_links with connected data returns an error: "We could not handle your handlebars input properly".

This field should only be used in widgets that will not be connected to data. In order to use connected data with a link, use simple expression with a variable in an HTML anchor tag.
<a href={{itemLink}}>


Duda allows you to use our standard button. This allows you to add buttons as parts of widgets, or as a standalone button with additional features. The benefit of doing this is that the button will use Duda's standard classes and thus inherit all global styles for buttons on the website. You can also use the button input design type to easily add style settings for this specific button.

{{#custom_button btnText class="button-class"}}


In the example above, you can include a custom class on the button, so that in the design settings you can target that button easier.

If you want the button to be a link as well, you can surround the button in the #custom_link helper as well.

{{#custom_link linkVariableName}}
	{{#custom_button btnText class="button-class"}}

String Contains

A logic helper that allows you to check if a string that was input contains a specific string. If it's true, you can output a certain HTML element.

{{#strContains variableName "test"}}
	Input variable contains "test"
	Input variable does not contain "test"

String Replace

Searches through an string that is input by the user and replaces part of it with a new string. Useful for trimming spaces or new lines from inputs into text boxes.

{{#strReplace variableName "findString" "replaceWith"}}{{/strReplace}}

Content Library

A helper that allows you to directly access different properties of a site's Content Library. Review the Content Library Object to see supported values.

<span>Call us now at: {{contentLibrary.location_data.phones.0.phoneNumber}}</span>

HTML Escaping

By default, handlebars escapes the output of any content added to the widget configuration. If you want to avoid escaping and directly embed the content in the page, you can use the triple-stash output: {{{exampleVariable}}}. This is good to use with large text inputs, as you might want to allow users to enter spaces (
) or full HTML.


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